Photoshop Generative Fill

The beta version of Photoshop which is available to anyone with a subscription to Adobe’s Photographer Plan now includes Generative AI. In other words, you can type what you want in words, and Photoshop will create it. You make a selection, select Generative Fill from the Edit menu and type into a box what you want. As you’ll see below, you can even start with a blank canvas and create a pretty good image which could likely fool a judge into thinking it’s a real photograph. Let’s see what this can do and discuss what we want to allow or not allow in competition images.

Let’s start with a “legitimate” image.

Now, Let’s Eliminate the Cat

If we put a selection box around the cat and do a Generative Fill with nothing typed in the text box, it will remove the selected object.

I think it did a pretty good job. Perhaps better than Content Aware Fill. So far, so good.